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Note that it is not suggested to use older versions, as some may be buggy. All publicly released versions are tested for game-breaking bugs, so you are not at risk of crashing or losing data, but some features may not function as intended.


If you really wanted to use an older version please use one that says bug-free in the description. Note though that this just means I have not found nor been notified of bugs within that version, not that it would certainly function correctly.

1.7.4 LITE:

- Added UHC checks for uhc overall, uhc solo, and uhc teams (speed uhc will be added separately in a future update).
- Fixed no skywars info showing up as "Blitz SG info doesn't exist."
- Fixed skywars stars being glitched when a player has exactly 15000 skywars experience.
- Made /sc settings getapikey return the API key in a way that allows key to be clicked and copied.
- Added a purple tier to certain stat color codes that deserved a higher tier.
- Fixed some help command responses.
- Consolidated frequently reused functions into a utility class, cutting out around 2000 lines of code/30 kb of file size.


1.7.3 LITE:

Emergency bug patch.

- Fixed skywars duels checks yielding results for skywars instead.

- Fixed skywars stars being inaccurate under 11 stars.

- Other minor fixes.


1.7.2 LITE:

- Fixed blitz sg stats to show only stats from modes that still currently exist on Hypixel.

- Added solo and teams blitz sg stats.

- Added skywars checks, including overall, ranked, solo, and teams.


1.7.1 LITE:

- Added check for blitz survival games, do /sc bsg <name> or /sc blitzsg <name>.

- Added duels overall and blitz to /sc getcategories and /sc getmodes.

- /cnh <name> will now print "Player <name> does not exist." instead of empty output if no such player with the name exists.


1.7.0 LITE:

- Added a check for name history: /cnh <name>. One player at a time only.
- Removed autocheck due to community complaints.


1.6.2 LITE:

- Added autocheck! Now you can queue dodge to your heart's content :DDD Do /autocheck to learn more.

- Added a nonexistent player cache so that there are no issues with the mod saying "rate limit exceeded" when repeatedly checking a nonexistent player.

- Bug-free


1.6.1 LITE:

- Fixed a rare case where checking general stats in normal mode will yield no results due to Hypixel API not having a "mostRecentlyGameType" stat for certain players. Now the mod will display "last played: null" in these rare cases.
- Added a shortcut to check your own stats. Doing /sc <mode> without any usernames will automatically check your own stats in that mode.


1.6.0 LITE

- Added a UUID cache to fix what Hypixel broke when they added a 2 minute cooldown to their API when checking by username.

- Added bedwars 4v4 as a mode you can now check with /sc bedwars4v4 or /sc bw4v4

- Added a non-compact version of general stat checks, now giving you online/offline time and most recent gamemode (this changes based on lobbies as well though so if someone has never played tnt games but is in a tnt games lobby, that's the mode that will display).


1.5.5 LITE

- Fixed a bug where the default generated config file had a line which wasn't commented out correctly causing the config to not be read completely upon loading.
- Added a check to prevent uncommented lines from stopping config file reading in the future.


1.5.4 LITE

- Fixed a bug that caused stat prefix colours to not save properly to the config.

Likely the last update before version 2.0 which will be a complete rewrite with new features and optimizations.


1.5.3 LITE:

- Fixed a potential bug with chat listeners causing chat messages to not display properly.


1.5.2 LITE:

- Fixed bugs that caused certain settings not to load correctly from config.

- Minor optimizations were made to the process of loading / saving the config.


1.5.1 LITE:

- Fixed problems with negative numbers and scientific notation in /math.


1.5.0 LITE:

Useless update that doesn't add any real functionality but I wanted to do it anyway.

- Added /math. Do /math or /calc to evaluate mathematical expressions. Includes brackets, log, ln, trigonometric functions, rounding functions, factorials, as well as ^*/+- (in roughly that order of operations).

- Added stat prefix colour, now you can set what colour stat prefixes like FKDR, Winloss, Star, etc are, for optimal viewing.

- Minor fixes to certain bugs.


1.4.4 LITE:

- Made mass checks run each individual check in a separate thread, so that they are all in parallel. This means that checking the stats of multiple people in one command now takes about the same amount of time as it took to check any one person's stats before.

- Bug-free


1.4.3 LITE:

- Fixed spelling errors, fixed mode / category mismatch error.


1.4.2 LITE:

- Fixed bug where blitz duels stats were put through the bridge duels stats formatter, which made no stats show for /sc blitzd <name>

- Added online status to /sc stats <name>


1.4.1 LITE:

Urgent bug fix:

- fixed NullPointerException when mvp+ or mvp++ never set a rankPlusColor. This stops the /sc command from running properly.

- fixed NumberFormatException when player's network experience is stored as float rather than long. This also stops the /sc command from running properly. This situation should be rare though.

If you are using any version before 1.4.1, update immediately.


1.4 LITE:

Major update:

- Added bedwars stats and all non-ranked 1v1 duels modes stats.

- New looks for certain command responses.

- Restructured command and moved setapikey and getapikey under /sc settings.


1.3.2 LITE:

- Fixed bug where the mod was not automatically detecting API keys in chat when /api new is run on Hypixel.

This version is known to be bug-free.


1.3.1 LITE:

- Fixed duplicate checks if a statcheck command is run with more than one name.


1.3 LITE:

The first public version. Added basic functionality of the /sc command. This version is only able to check bridge stats.



These were just test versions, I gave them version numbers to keep track incase I had to backtrack.

All Versions: FAQ
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